Tuesday, December 4, 2018


If you have ever gotten sucked into a toxic GO-NOWHERE  relationship, unable to see it for what it really was due to the blinders permanently stuck over your eyes – this Blogs for you!

Have you loved a man who didn’t deserve that love? 
Who was unable to reciprocate it? 
Who was unavailable emotionally or practically because he was married?

Have you allowed yourself to be strung along ad infinitum hoping that eventually things would change and he would wake up and see you as the love of his life and jump through hoops to make you his?

When a woman finds herself loving a man who is undeserving of that love she must take two quick actions:

Seek therapeutic help
Get the hell out of the relationship

It is urgent that you not waste a single moment more on a dead end relationship.

What you see is what you get and if you are not getting the love, attention, commitment and investment that you deserve, then you must force yourself to see reality.

Wasting the preciously few days, weeks, months and years that you are still a young and attractive hottie on a man who can and will never be your Mr. Right,  is the wrongest move you can make!

The right man will devote time and attention to winning your heart.
The right man will sacrifice to have you.
He will invest in you.
 He will walk proudly with you and be proud to call you his woman.
He will shower you with love and affection.

In short he will work hard to make you his because he values you.

That’s how you recognize Mr. Right!

Now go for it!

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Do You Let Him Know You Like Him? Not So Much!

Here’s a question I keep getting FROM MY READERS:


My first answer is: WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO?

If there is a guy in your orbit that you are attracted to, and interested in, but he hasn’t displayed any interest in you at all, then guess what?


If he was into you, you would know it, trust me.

I am not a believer in letting a guy know that you are interested in him, because I believe doing that will have the opposite of the desired effect.

It most probably will push him away.

A man is wired from time immemorial to hunt and gather
To go out and get what he wants and needs.

If a female takes on the role of stalking her prey, by going after a man, it kind of takes the wind out of his sales!
 It does not entice him.
 It does not excite him.

Even knowing all of this, the readers of my Red Flag Man Blog still want to know:
 “Yeah but how can I let him know I like him?”

If you want to indirectly indicate to a guy that you are into him, that you are open to his approaching you, then my suggestion is to make eye contact with him, give a small, mysterious little smile (think Mona Lisa), and then lower your glance and look away.

This method delivers your message while keeping you classy and alluring.

 It invites him to do the work of pursuing you, based on that one tiny little, but unmistakable hint.

Do this only ONE TIME. 

That’s it.

 He now has received and processed the message that you like him.

But please, please, don’t do anything more than that!!
Don’t hand him your number.
Don’t stalk him.
Do not “accidentally” on purpose run into him!

Project to him and to the world that you are high value.
Your attention is in demand.
You don’t have time for just anybody and everybody because you are busy, discerning,  and you have high standards.

You are around him because you work or go to school together, but you are not necessarily available to him.

If you have already made the mistake of flirting with him, trying to make conversation with him, or God forbid, asking him out, then STOP immediately, back off and ignore him!

He will have to do the work to get your attention and to find out if you will accept him in your life.

At school or in the work place, just be your usual cute, warm, smiley self.
It really is enough.

Let me know how it's working!
I always answer!

Sunday, August 12, 2018

What to Do if You get Downgraded to FRIEND?

Any time a man changes your status from lover to friend, its time to get yourself OUT of the relationship pronto!

Remember, this is a rejection of you as someone he is sexually attracted to!
 It is a down grade of your relationship status and it is an insult.

Why would you hang on and accept this?

Women must at all times project self worth.

By accepting whatever terms he says he wants, just to cling to a man at some level, any level, communicates the message that you are desperate to be connected to him, and will settle for whatever relationship crumbs he has to offer you.

If you are looking for an exclusive monogamous loving relationship, then you must keep that goal in sight at all times and do not accept or waste time on anything that does not match up to that goal.

You do not have to exhaust your limited emotional energy reserves, by engaging in “friend” interactions with a man with whom you have had, or want to have, a romantic loving relationship with, but who does not at present want that with you any more. This is a drain on the energy needed to focus on getting out there, looking and feeling your best, and connecting with men who ARE interested in you romantically.

Do NOT waste time analyzing his inner thoughts and motives and trying to project what possible beneficial outcome might ultimately result by staying friends with a man that you love and want more with.

In fact, the one and only motivation for such a man to re- kindle his lost sexual attraction to you, is for him to feel that he may lose you

If  and when he realizes that you have moved on, and that other men are interested in you, a sense of urgency may kick in, and he might just reevaluate his feelings towards you.

In general, a woman who hangs around waiting and hoping for friendly feelings to morph into romantic feelings, is wasting her valuable time.

Any woman who is with a man who is dragging his feet about commitment, month after month, year after year, is also wasting her time, big time!

The hunter/ gatherer instinct that each and every male possesses in his DNA from time immemorial, is lulled into complacency by that which is easy to come by.
 The male wants and needs a challenge. 

The male wants and needs to work for his target (you).
 He enjoys his reward only if he has had to strive to achieve it!

It is the elusive Doe peeking from behind the bramble that gets his attention, and not the road kill lying there for the taking on his street!

You want your man to feel a sense of urgency! 
You want him to feel that you are valuable and desirable, and that if he doesn’t step up his game, then you will be snapped up by some other lucky dude.

So please don’t serve yourself up on a platter to any man by being overly available, accepting terms for a relationship that don’t suit you, accepting any bad or thoughtless behaviors, or accepting no commitment from him if at least 6 months has elapsed since you began dating.

Listen to his words
If he tells you he is not ready or that he wants to be friends, get your game on, and get out of there! 

Throw a smile on your face, (you may have to “Fake it till you make it”) and make yourself available to the many worthy loving men out there in the world just waiting to meet you.

Follow me and ask questions here or on Tumblr:

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

To SEND Raunchy Pics or NOT to Send? That is the Question

Lately I have received emails from women wondering :

Is it a good idea to send their BF a “raunchy” pic of themselves?

If you have been following the Red Flag Man Blog, you will guess the answer I would give to that one!

It’s a Resounding NO!!

It is always a bad idea to send naked pics of yourself, never mind “raunchy” naked pics, to a man (or  anyone else for that matter).

Suggestive, alluring, sexy pics which do not reveal too much skin the best way to go!

When to send such pics?

If you two are in a long distance situation, it’s a nice idea to very occasionally send your guy the gift of a tasteful, alluring, sexy pic of yourself- One that does not reveal  any private body parts but has just the suggestion of what’s under wraps and waiting for him.

To the wife or girlfriend whose guy is far away for a period of time, do send him a pretty, tasteful , sexy pic of yourself with just the hint of what he is missing.

This is not a good idea if you and your BF are seeing each other on a regular basis because it comes off as very pushy, needy and overly flirtatious. 

Remember, I want you always ever so slightly aloof and unobtainable, not grabby, needy and overly available. Not coming on too strong!

Whats wrong with sending overtly sexual “raunchy” photos?

He will enjoy them right?

The answer is yes he will enjoy them, and he will also get bored with you, and  lose all respect and interest in you!

Men want to be attracted enough to enjoy the challenge you present and they want to pursue and conquer you. They do not want to read the last chapter of the book before they start the first page.

Follow me and ask questions on Tumblr:

Stay classy!

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Strong Women Shoulder On!

Ladies, don’t let any man get you down in the dumps!

Remember, with hindsight you will see that the man you thought you wanted to be with, was never the right one for you anyway.

No depressions please!
No staying in bed for days!
No endlessly analyzing:
 What happened?
 What went wrong?
 What you did wrong?

None of that behavior! 

It’s a waste of precious time and energy.

No planning revenge.
No “accidently “showing up where you know he will be.
No trying to change his mind!!
No stalking on Facebook!!

You don’t have time for all that

You are too busy with your full, interesting and busy life, even if that means you are home watching Netflix!

Toss your hair over your shoulder and shoulder on!

Never look back!

Put on a smile, get out there and make eye contact with the men you pass by on the street, in class, when you are shopping…

 Allow yourself to connect to your inner vixen and Never Forget -
 Things can change in a heartbeat!
 Any minute, Mr. Right will enter your world.!

Your job is to be ready for him by being open minded, available, sweet and feminine.

That’s it!
Go for it!
Follow me on Tumblr, ask questions, I will answer and always try to help:

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Wait and See if He Is Your BF

Is he calling you daily?
Is he asking you out at least once a week?
Is he making you a priority in his life?

If yes to all 3, then you have got yourself a boyfriend

But if not, stop stressing
 Stop questioning the “relationship”

If he isn’t doing all of the above, then he is not your boyfriend and you do not need to be concerning yourself with going out of your way to please or impress him

You don’t have to let him know you like him

You don’t have to:
 call him
 text him
 “accidentally” bump into him
 ask his friends about him
  travel to his location to visit him,
 be with him, or live with him

Only when a man has invested his time, energy, money and emotions into you, and has made it crystal clear that he is into you and wants and even needs to be with you, do you have yourself a boyfriend.

If he is still hanging with his ex
If he is too “busy” to spend time with you
If he doesn’t call you EVERY DAY
If he prefers to hang out with his friends, his family or alone

Do not make any sacrifices for him nor go to any expense or effort for him
Just live your life, hang with your friends and family
Do your thing
Be independent!
Focus on school or career
Focus on your friends and your family
If he likes you
If he is THE ONE
He will show it

Follow me on Tumblr at:


am happy to answer your questions!

Sunday, April 29, 2018

The Man You Are Meant to Be With Will WANT TO Give and Do For You!

If you are wracking your brains trying to figure out how to get your guy to notice you, want to be with you, pay attention to you and/or commit to you, then:
 You are involved with the WRONG man.

The RIGHT man is the man who cannot get enough of you and who wants to love, protect and provide for you.

The RIGHT man for you is also available. He is NOT dating or married to another woman.

If he is living with you, and not covering all of, or at least 50% of the household expenses, then you are with the WRONG man (and no – please don’t send me justifications or exceptions)

If he is fine with distance, infrequent get-togethers, inertia in the relationship, absence of romance, absence of plans for a future,  then guess what!?

He is the WRONG guy for you.

Do not enable the behavior that is driving you nuts. 

You are entitled to way more and if you refuse to believe this simple message, then your circumstances will never change.

Only when you project independence, self-confidence, and a sense of entitlement to his love, consideration and desire for you, will he begin to  notice you and will man up and play his role the way it is meant to be played.

 As long as you accept crumbs instead of the whole delicious cookie, then you will attract and keep a man who will give you crumbs and that man is not the right one for you.

The key is not in trying to figure out how to motivate or catch him. The key is to be a woman that is irresistible because she has her act together, is enjoying her life and is projecting happiness and confidence.

 It is your special aura that will draw Mr. Right to you.
 It is not games and manipulations.
I am always happy to answer your questions and you can follow me and also submit your questions on Tumblr:


Sunday, April 15, 2018

You Can't Make Him Love You or Want You!

You can’t make him love you by trying to convince him how great you are.

Lately I have been receiving emails from women wondering:
 What can  they do to get a guy they have set their sights on?

 I have an email from a woman who feels that the man she likes would be way better off with her, than with his current girlfriend, and she wants my advice on how to get him to realize that. She intends to fight for him and to point out to him that his girlfriend is nowhere near as good for him as she is.
 She has a whole list of reasons why this is so.

No man will break it off with his GF and choose you instead because you have pointed out to him all the ways you think you are better for him than she is. (Even if you are prettier than his GF.)

If he wanted to go out with you he would have chased you until he got you!

It is a terrible idea to attempt to convince a guy that you are better for him than his girlfriend because his automatic and natural response to attacking his girlfriend will be to defend her and to become disgusted by you. 

Much like cave man days, he will protect his cave and its inhabitants.

I have emails from women who have fallen for their own male friends, with whom they now want more than a platonic relationship. 

How can they get the guy to want more too? 

Some of them have been having “friend sex” and wonder how to get out of the Friend Zone and into a romance. 

Is that possible? NO! 

Once you have handed over the goodies to a guy, without making him earn your love and your body, its Game Over. 

Why would he chase after and value something that was just given to him without him having to make any effort to woo and win her?

Others are wondering how to let a particular man know that they like him and would like him to ask them out.
Well the most you can do in this case is to smile and flirt a bit when you see him, but that’s it!

The answer to all such questions is, you can’t get a guy to love you (or want you).

If a man knows you, sees you around, has hung out with you,  and yet  has chosen another woman for a partner, or if a man has been your platonic friend and has been content in that role, or if you have made the dreadful mistake of sleeping with him as “just friends”,  then there is absolutely nothing that you can do to reverse that role.

Love and attraction are not logical. They are entirely emotional.

No man will suddenly desire  you sexually after  you have been hanging out as platonic friends for a long time, and NO guy will suddenly decide that the casual sex friend should be his GF!

 And the reason for all of the above is the same reason that I have been trying to teach you in my Red Flag Man Blogs.

 Men only value what they must work to have and will only desire what they must strive to achieve.

Cheap and easy  is not appealing.

The allure is in the hunt and in the chase. 

The sexy thrill is in the capture after the struggle to win her over.

If you take away the struggle, the hunt and the chase, then its Game Over.

If you still don’t believe me, then try it your way and let me know what happens.
I await your emails. You may follow me and write to me on Tumblr at:


Sunday, March 25, 2018


I have been getting lots of emails lately,  from women complaining to me that their boyfriends have female friends who try to undermine their relationships. 

They ask me if this is normal and acceptable.

The answer is NO.

I get emails from women who are that friend!

They are the friend of a man who is dating another woman.

They want their friend to drop his girlfriend and to date them instead, and they ask me how they can open the eyes of their male friend so that he will realize that he should be with them, rather than with his girlfriend.

The answer is – YOU CAN’T DO IT.

So to let me be perfectly clear.

When a couple is in an exclusive relationship, there should not be any female interference with that relationship.

No man should allow another woman to undermine his romantic relationship, to criticize his girlfriend, to flirt with him, or to in any way try to cause distance between himself and his girlfriend.

If he does allow such behavior he is not worth your time.

The mark of a good man is his desire to protect the woman he loves.
 If he prefers to be on an ego trip, allowing women to compete for him, you don’t need to be on this ride!

After all, if he jumps ship to be with any woman who flirts with him, then what have you got? 
You have got yourself a shallow player who you can never trust.

As for the women who want me to teach them how to show a man that he is better off with them than with his GF, this is an impossible task and it is also a ridiculous request.

Anyone who follows the RED FLAG MAN BLOG knows by now that men get turned off big time by  women who come on strong, initiate contact, romance him, pursue him,  do things for him, show up to “accidentally bump into him”,etc.  

You simply cannot prove to a man that you are better  for him than his GF.

Men enjoy and crave a challenge. They are wired from time immemorial to go out there and hunt for what they want.

Woman who throw themselves at a man hoping he will suddenly wake up and value them, or dump their girlfriends and choose them instead, are in for a rude awakening!

Keep away from men in relationships.  They are off limits to you.

Stop fantasizing about how to break up your Crush’s relationship and go get yourself a guy who is into YOU!

Exude confidence, independence and self-value.

That is the one and the only way attract Mr. Right to you.

Follow me and ask questions on Tumblr:

Friday, March 2, 2018

Don't Go Crazy Trying to Rope Him In!

Yes you SHOULD always look your best for your BF or husband.
 Yes you SHOULD work out, eat healthy, and wear nice appealing outfits!

I am not saying its ok to hang out in sweats with no makeup eating junk food on the couch!

What I AM  saying is that you have value for being the person you are, and the man who is right for you will love and adore you, and you cannot make a man love you.

Either your guy loves you or he doesn’t. 

If your guy is drifting apart from you, and you have discussed it, and nothing has changed, then back away

Never come on strong with extra attempts to entice and delight him. 
Do the opposite. 

A man must be the pursuer through every phase of your relationship. He must court you. He must call you and plan dates.
If you try to plan dates, create magical candlelit dinners or entertain and monopolize him he will be turned off and pull away.

Just be your own cute fun self and that’s it.

If your guy isn’t into you, then move right on. 

No acts of desperation. No stalking. No suggestions for get togethers, NADA.
Please don't cheapen yourself girl!

If he misses you he knows where to find you and if he isn’t into spending time with you then you don’t need him.

Follow me and ask questions on Tumblr:


Wednesday, February 21, 2018

You Deserve Time & Attention!

Lately I have been getting mail from women who tell me that their boyfriends no longer give them attention, don’t seem interested in them, are not into spending time with them,  are not motivated to make plans with them, and in some cases, who have actually broken up with them.

These women  tell me they are feeling frustrated and they are also confused and are wondering if their boyfriend still loves them, but may be afraid of love or afraid of showing their true feelings.  
What should they do?  They ask me.

Ladies is it very very simple and if you have been following the Red Flag Man Blog, you already know the answer.

In cases such as these the only thing that you should do is MOVE ON.

Just forget about any man who is not displaying signs of interest in you. 

There is nothing else you can do.

In fact, his behavior towards you and his attitude towards your relationship is actually the answer to your question!

Don’t replay love scenes in your mind from the beginning of your relationship or worry that he has some secret problem and may need your help and support.

Unless your guy is sending you clear signals that he loves you and wants to be with you, it is a dead relationship.

Now is the time to focus on yourself. Go to the gym, focus on success in school and at work, hang out with your girlfriends and put the boyfriend out of your mind,
If anything changes, he will come and find you, trust me.

But please don’t accept crumbs of a relationship or cling to past memories. Do not waste time on any man who is not giving you the time and attention and confirmation of his love that is your right.

Always remember that when a man loves a woman, he makes sure that she knows it. 
He cannot bear to be apart from her  and he keeps in contact and makes plans to be together.

That is the sign of a viable relationship.

I am happy to answer your questions, but you better be prepared for the cold hard truth!
Follow my Blog on Tumbler at  https://www.tumblr.com/blog/redflagman

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Its Only Real if YOU are His Priority!

 Why are you questioning the intentions of your guy  just because:

 you hear from him infrequently (like maybe once a day or less)
you two don’t get together very often
he can’t or won’t make you any promises
he does not take you along on his vacations
he does not introduce you to his friends or family
he does not celebrate your milestones (birthday, anniversaries, graduations, whatever)
You feel he is keeping you at arm’s length

You should not be questioning the poor guy!
You should be dumping him instead.

Please don’t wrack your brains trying to figure out the obvious.

Unless your boyfriend is keeping in frequent contact with you, can’t wait to see you, is regularly making time for the two of you to get together and makes you his TOP priority, then that means that
He is keeping his options open, and so should you!

Save your heart and  your loyalty for the man who prioritizes and adores you.

Nuff said

Please follow The Red Flag Man blog on Tumblr:
and feel free to write in and ask me anything you want

Monday, January 22, 2018

What about Dating a MUCH Younger man?

A woman wrote in recently, asking me advice about her new relationship with a man 20 years her junior, which gave me food for thought. 

We really haven’t addressed this topic in the Red Flag Man blog yet .. so here we go!

Does it make sense to date a MUCH younger guy?

My belief is that if a man is more than 10 years younger, it’s a NO WIN situation, and even at ten years of age younger than you…you are pressing your luck.


Men are visual creatures who are attracted first and foremost to the look of a possible partner, and afterwards, if he is attracted, he looks deeper into the fabric of the woman he is attracted to.

If a man has a partner who is 12, 15, 20 years older than himself, the odds are stacked against them that he will continue to find her physically attractive (even if she is a very pretty woman) as the years go by.

Additionally,  in the case of this relationship dynamic, he may have some psychological issue going on.

Perhaps he has a need for a “Mommy figure” because his own mom was absent, distant, unloving, or rejecting, and he now seeks to fill that void (on a subconscious level ),by connecting with a much older woman.

Perhaps he is a Dependent Personality type (HELP!) who will latch onto an established older woman and expect her to provide for him emotionally as well as physically, by housing him, paying his way, etc.

 And of course, another risk is that a man in his 30’s or 40’s or 50’s will eventually take note of his contemporaries’ partners, who are most likely in their 20’s, 30’s and 40’s. He will then look at his own partner who, if she is around 20 years or so older than him, will one day look more like his mom than his partner, and eventually lose interest in her physically, even if he is able to maintain interest in her friendship.

Is that a risk we need to take? NO.

Are there exceptions to this?

The late actress Mary Tyler Moore was married  to a man 15 years her junior who faithfully stayed by her side for 33 years until her death at age 80.

Nevertheless, if you ask my opinion if it is a good idea to hold high hopes for this type of relationship, my answer would be NO GO!

 Please follow me on Tumblr:

Feel free to ask me whatever! I will always try my best to help!

Friday, January 19, 2018



and feel free to ask me whatever you want. I am always happy to help!

Saturday, January 6, 2018

If He is INTO YOU he will Call and Spend Time with You!

So you want to know why you aren’t hearing from your boyfriend since he left town to spend time with his family?

Why doesn’t he call more than once a day?

Why doesn’t he text you and check in with you throughout the day?

Its bugging you like crazy that he appears too distracted and too busy to want to communicate with you…you have been an “item” for a while now, so why the disappearing act?

Ladies, please don’t make demands that your boyfriend check in with you and show you that he is interested in how you are doing.
News Flash! – He’s NOT that interested

A man who is interested can’t bear to be out of contact with his lady. That’s just how it is.

A man in love just has to spend time with, talk to and keep open the lines of communication.

If he leaves town and keeps you guessing, its time to pull WAY back in the relationship.

If you make requests or demands for him to keep in contact, this is a form of “chasing behavior”.

Chasing is the very worst thing you can do in a relationship as the natural response to being chased is…
You guessed it!

Do yourself a favor. Get busy with your own life and let him worry and wonder why he isn’t hearing from you!

If he is into you he will do the work and if not….NEXT!

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I am happy to answer any questions!