Saturday, January 6, 2018

If He is INTO YOU he will Call and Spend Time with You!

So you want to know why you aren’t hearing from your boyfriend since he left town to spend time with his family?

Why doesn’t he call more than once a day?

Why doesn’t he text you and check in with you throughout the day?

Its bugging you like crazy that he appears too distracted and too busy to want to communicate with you…you have been an “item” for a while now, so why the disappearing act?

Ladies, please don’t make demands that your boyfriend check in with you and show you that he is interested in how you are doing.
News Flash! – He’s NOT that interested

A man who is interested can’t bear to be out of contact with his lady. That’s just how it is.

A man in love just has to spend time with, talk to and keep open the lines of communication.

If he leaves town and keeps you guessing, its time to pull WAY back in the relationship.

If you make requests or demands for him to keep in contact, this is a form of “chasing behavior”.

Chasing is the very worst thing you can do in a relationship as the natural response to being chased is…
You guessed it!

Do yourself a favor. Get busy with your own life and let him worry and wonder why he isn’t hearing from you!

If he is into you he will do the work and if not….NEXT!

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