Sunday, April 29, 2018

The Man You Are Meant to Be With Will WANT TO Give and Do For You!

If you are wracking your brains trying to figure out how to get your guy to notice you, want to be with you, pay attention to you and/or commit to you, then:
 You are involved with the WRONG man.

The RIGHT man is the man who cannot get enough of you and who wants to love, protect and provide for you.

The RIGHT man for you is also available. He is NOT dating or married to another woman.

If he is living with you, and not covering all of, or at least 50% of the household expenses, then you are with the WRONG man (and no – please don’t send me justifications or exceptions)

If he is fine with distance, infrequent get-togethers, inertia in the relationship, absence of romance, absence of plans for a future,  then guess what!?

He is the WRONG guy for you.

Do not enable the behavior that is driving you nuts. 

You are entitled to way more and if you refuse to believe this simple message, then your circumstances will never change.

Only when you project independence, self-confidence, and a sense of entitlement to his love, consideration and desire for you, will he begin to  notice you and will man up and play his role the way it is meant to be played.

 As long as you accept crumbs instead of the whole delicious cookie, then you will attract and keep a man who will give you crumbs and that man is not the right one for you.

The key is not in trying to figure out how to motivate or catch him. The key is to be a woman that is irresistible because she has her act together, is enjoying her life and is projecting happiness and confidence.

 It is your special aura that will draw Mr. Right to you.
 It is not games and manipulations.
I am always happy to answer your questions and you can follow me and also submit your questions on Tumblr:

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