Saturday, January 28, 2017

Is Your Guy Indecisive?

Mixed signals?
Feeling confused?
Don’t be!

If you wonder why his words do not match his actions, take heart!
The answer is simple!
Unless his ACTIONS match his WORDS, his words mean nothing.  ZERO.

So don’t stay up at night analyzing why he said he would call you but he doesn’t, why he says he loves you but he doesn’t stay in touch, or introduce you to his family and friends or make concrete plans for a future with you, why he says you are the most amazing woman he has ever met and he is thinking you have a future together, but you find out he is still pursuing other women. No matter what pretty words he speaks, just remember this very simple formula: Actions = Intentions.

Indecision is a decision. It is a decision to not commit to you.

Only a total pulling back from him, a creation of distance from him, will help him get clarity. If he misses you, and he is truly into you, he will do whatever it takes to make you his and his alone. If he is feeling indecisive, and you attempt to play the role of the convincer, which is the masculine role, you will achieve the opposite outcome of the one you desire. He will pull back even farther and become even more indecisive.

Remember, a man must pursue you and not the opposite. Your job is to stay in the feminine zone, and performing masculine- energy actions such as initiating communications or suggesting get- togethers will only drive him further away!

  Don’t muddle the works by trying to make something happen. If he misses you he will call you. He will make plans to see you. 

If he loves you, he will make a commitment to the relationship and will want to be exclusive with you.

If he is feeling indecisive, pull back. Keep busy with your life and date other guys. If he wants you he will come and get you. If he doesn’t do that , then the wishy washy behavior was your answer. His decision is not to decide for you!


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