Saturday, March 18, 2017

If Your Boyfriend is a Fault Finder - Walk Away!

If your boyfriend is constantly finding faults in you now that the initial honeymoon phase is over, then he has a problem.

 His problem is that he has deep seated insecurities which can only be mollified by putting others down, and /or by controlling them. 

If he can make you feel a bit off balance, unsure of yourself, flawed, then inside he feels a sense of power.

 Even if you take a more laid - back feminine energy role in the relationship, allowing him to take charge, it won’t be enough to shore up his weak ego. He thrives only when he feels superior.

Maybe he is a messy guy, leaving socks and underwear on the floor. Maybe he is forgetful,  always misplacing his keys, phone, wallet, or maybe he is bad at sports, or moody. You don’t criticize him because you love him despite these flaws.  You overlook his flaws and you focus on his positive attributes because you love and appreciate him.

But, does your boyfriend put you down?
Does your boyfriend criticize you?

The emotionally unhealthy male may be inclined  to bring you down with his criticisms.

 He may roll his eyes at you, (which by the way studies have shown that partners who roll their eyes at each other will most probably get divorced, because the eye roll is a sign of disdain for another person), or take  issue with any little mistake or flaw he perceives in you:

You spoke to him while he was on the phone? Inconsiderate!
You left dirty dishes in the sink overnight? Lazy!
You knocked over his antique salt shaker? Clumsy!
You bought an expensive gift for someone? Money waster!

This picking on you is a simple device which places him in control. You now have to work harder to please him. 

Him being in control gives him a sense of safety and power.

Why does he need this sense of safety and power? Because he is a damaged individual.

A healthy, normal, balanced ego, does not benefit by criticizing others.

Please realize that you deserve to be with someone who praises and appreciates you despite your flaws.

RED FLAG! If he is a finder of fault, take a pole and VAULT!

Sprint away now and save yourself from becoming broken down and bitter.

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 Red Flag Man

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