Monday, February 20, 2017

Women! Do not Try too Hard To Get or Impress Him!

The male creature is wired to hunt and gather.  He actually wants to do the work he has to do to win you over! If you take that job away from him by coming on too strong, attempting to “get him” by suggesting get- togethers, making arrangements, calling and texting him, etc, it is actually a turn off to him!

HE has to work to get you, and not the other way around.

To acquire something of value, he works hard. To get a great women to be his and his alone, he will do whatever he has to do and will jump through hoops if necessary.

The more he perceives you as a prize to be won, the harder he will work to have you and the more valuable you will be in his eyes. When he finally succeeds in winning you over he will appreciate you and love you because we value that which is hard to attain -  kind of like that designer bag you are pining for…

 It is human nature not to appreciate that which is too easy to attain.

So hold off on initiating texts and calls. (of course you can respond to them)
Don’t plan gourmet dinners for him! Don’t drop by at his place to see how he is doing and don’t ask him out!! 
We don’t want you to be perceived as the one pursuing the relationship. 

It will only devalue you in his eyes.

Your job is to be you! That’s it. Stay in the feminine receiving mode, appreciate his actions and attentions, and let his male passion to conquer you unleash themselves!

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