Monday, February 13, 2017

When His Messages are Confusing You - The Master Of The Mixed Message

He calls you every day and he texts you several times a day as well!

How exciting! Finally a guy who seems to be “all in!”- Like he is really into you and can’t get enough of you!

In fact, he is coming on Super Strong!

Then, without warning, a day or two elapses with no word from him…..

You call him and ask him what’s going on? Why didn’t you hear from him? Is everything ok?
He assures you that everything is perfectly fine, and you make plans to get together soon.

Your next date goes great! 
The chemistry is awesome! 
He texts you afterwards to tell you what a nice time he had and then….
 3 days go by with no word from him.

So you call him and have a nice chat and in an effort to keep the momentum going, you offer to make dinner for the two of you…

He happily accepts the invite and shows up for dinner on the appointed evening.

He seems a bit distracted, more into watching TV or checking his phone, than into you.
The weekend is fast approaching but he makes no mention of getting together..

Friday comes so you call and ask him if the two of you have plans for Saturday night…
 he tells you he is “swamped with work” and can’t make plans.

You go out with a group of your good friends, including a platonic male friend you have known for years and have a nice time seeing a movie and going out for dinner but you miss your guy!

Over the next week there is only silence from "your" guy..
You try to text him but he doesn’t answer. You call him and his voice is strained.

You start to go crazy!

Why is the guy you are so into, who was previously so crazy into you, now avoiding you?

When finally you get him to open up about what is going on and why he has been distant, he tells you that friends of his called to tell him that they had spotted you out on Saturday night with "another man". As a result he feels “humiliated” and he doesn’t want to continue the relationship with you.
 No hard feelings, he just “isn’t into it anymore”.

But, you protest, that “other man” is just your good old platonic friend whom you have known for years, have never dated, and besides, you were in  a group of friends and never alone with Mr. Platonic for a moment!

What is going on here?

Your guy has been hot and cold, on and off for the last few weeks and when finally he hears you were out and about with a group of good friends he latches onto that as an excuse to break up with you…?

Welcome to The Master of the Mixed Message! A card carrying Red Flag Man.

You see, when a man has ambivalent feelings about a woman he is dating, he may wax hot and cold and he may also be scanning the horizon for the next best thing! 

To avoid having to take responsibility for his behavior, he will happily and enthusiastically latch onto any excuse  that will allow him to shift the blame to you.

YOU were out with “another man”
YOU were cold and distant
YOU didn’t call or text

This man is grasping for straws because he is unsure of his feelings towards you.
When a man is unsure of his feelings towards you, it most often means that he doesn’t have strong enough feelings towards you to maintain anything more than a back and forth game. He likes you enough not to let you go, But can't commit to you and wants to keep his options open.

In a case like this your best  course of action is to disappear, right off his radar!

 Just move right on girl!

You have No time to waste on Unpredictable Message Mixers!

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