Any one who has trawled the date site waters for at least several weeks will surely encounter the Date Site Deceiver!
Its important to take almost every fact published on a date site profile with a grain of salt until facts and references have been check out.
There actually do exist men out there who are functioning like chameleons on line, ready to morph into whatever they perceive you are looking for.
There are also men who think nothing of slicing a decade off of their age, in hopes of netting a much younger woman.
The date site may be a great way to meet people you otherwise may never have an opportunity to meet but beware!
People have spent weeks, even months, chatting with individuals who purported to be something very different from their actual selves!
Upon finally meeting in person, great disappointment and frustration has often been the outcome.
Dont waste too much time chatting. Try to meet relatively soon, and always ask for references and check them out.
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