Friday, February 14, 2020


Happy Valentine's Day Ladies!

I am hoping that your significant other has made plans with you today for a romantic evening and has bought you flowers and/or chocolates.
If he hasn't, its time to assign him to the trash heap of history girls!

You know that I don't want you to ever "settle" for less than love, respect, appreciation and adoration!

No more making excuses for Mr. Wrong! 

He who doesn't text and/or call you every day, take you out nicely at least once a week, travel to pick you up and to visit you wherever you may be, is not worth a second glance from you.

Remember, you are a prize.
HE is lucky to have you.
HE has to do the work to keep you.

Your job is to be receptive, upbeat and fun and not overly available, physical,  or demonstrative until you are in an exclusive, monogamous relationship.

You are not to do the work, drive the course of the relationship, make or suggest the plans (unless he asks you for a suggestion), buy gifts, initiate texts or calls....NONE OF IT!

Let him do the work.... trust me, he will appreciate you so much more.

Have fun!