Friday, February 1, 2019

TMI Destroys your Allure! Stop Giving out Private Information!

Men tell me that when women reveal too many personal details about their private lives, former relationships, sexual escapades and childhood traumas, it is a HUGE turn off!

Men are attracted to women with a bit of mystery.

You should NOT  be an open book!

Please don’t spill your guts about how your last boyfriend abused you, or the steamy details of your intimate life. Don’t regale him with your relationship mishaps!!

 He will perceive you as a ship- wreck and trust me, he doesn’t want to be your life preserver.

Ladies, the man you have a crush on is not your friend. He is someone you are hoping to attract to you romantically.

Save the details of your old love stories for your girlfriends. A man doesn’t want to read the last page of the book before he starts it.

Let him learn about you little by little. Keep yourself every slightly out of his grasp emotionally as well as physically and let him work to earn the right to spend more and more time with you and to get to know you better and better.

Please don’t dump your dirty laundry on him!

 Be elusive :
 When will she be available to spend time with me?
Why can’t I keep her on the phone for as long as I like?
 Be mysterious :
 I wonder what it will be like to finally kiss her/ make love to her/ be her boyfriend?
  Was she affectionate with others as I fantasize she will be with me?

It is the desire of a man to desire you!

His desire is fueled by the attraction and then the slight frustration of never getting enough of you.

Nothing quells the fires of his desire for you faster than hearing about how you cried for days when your last boyfriend dumped you/stole money from you/lied to you/mistreated you.

YOU are the illusive, sought after princess that he would be lucky to win over and call his own.

Keep that in mind at all times my girls!
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