Sunday, May 27, 2018

Wait and See if He Is Your BF

Is he calling you daily?
Is he asking you out at least once a week?
Is he making you a priority in his life?

If yes to all 3, then you have got yourself a boyfriend

But if not, stop stressing
 Stop questioning the “relationship”

If he isn’t doing all of the above, then he is not your boyfriend and you do not need to be concerning yourself with going out of your way to please or impress him

You don’t have to let him know you like him

You don’t have to:
 call him
 text him
 “accidentally” bump into him
 ask his friends about him
  travel to his location to visit him,
 be with him, or live with him

Only when a man has invested his time, energy, money and emotions into you, and has made it crystal clear that he is into you and wants and even needs to be with you, do you have yourself a boyfriend.

If he is still hanging with his ex
If he is too “busy” to spend time with you
If he doesn’t call you EVERY DAY
If he prefers to hang out with his friends, his family or alone

Do not make any sacrifices for him nor go to any expense or effort for him
Just live your life, hang with your friends and family
Do your thing
Be independent!
Focus on school or career
Focus on your friends and your family
If he likes you
If he is THE ONE
He will show it

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am happy to answer your questions!