Sunday, May 14, 2017

Narcissist Boyfriend? RUN AWAY NOW!

Are you experiencing this in your relationship?

Your boyfriend disappears for days - no contact
He seems to lack empathy towards you and others
He goes silent
Your boyfriend thinks HE is always right
He is most energized when he receives attention from others
He loves you when you do things "right" (his way) and he pulls away when you do things "wrong" (not his way)
He doesn't strive to make you happy or to do the things you want to do - it has to be his way all the time
He has a sense of entitlement
Your boyfriend doesn't play by the rules. He may lie, cheat, steal - Rules don't apply to him because he is the King of the Universe
He has a Jekyll and Hyde personality - switching back and forth between them and keeping you off balance, on guard, and walking on egg shells around him
He may put you down, using verbal or even physical abuse to dominate you and keep the power in the relationship
He may be very needy and dependent on you, all the while criticizing almost everything you do

If this sounds familiar, then you are most likely in a relationship with a Narcissist.

Trust me, this does not improve or go away, it only gets worse. These people are usually not aware that they are doing anything wrong and they are not open to any type of relationship therapy because, of course, they are always right!

This is a psychological condition brought on by early childhood traumas and the narcissist is not even aware of why they are the way they are, nor are they aware that they are doing anything wrong.

They will avoid self reflection and prefer instead to direct their corrections at others, rather than themselves, always playing the Blame Game.
Can  you have a happy relationship with this guy?
You may have a fantasy of what the relationship should/could be and the fantasy may be based on how your boyfriend initially behaved with you met him and he was in pursuit of you.

Please understand that that phase of your relationship is now over, and all you will experience from now on is hurt and pain.

RUN don't walk away from this RED FLAG MAN!

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